Symposium Recap- Bridging Generations: Tradition & Progress in Preservation

In mid-May APT-DVC and the Timber Framers Guild collaborated to host an event in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The event was a combination of APT-DVC’s biennial symposium and The Traditional Timber Frame Research & Advisory Group’s open conference. There were roughly 130 people in attendance from all over the country. Some were experts in their field and others were just beginning their journey as craftspeople.

The programming began on Friday evening with an attendee slide show that went well into the night. It was interesting to see what projects people have been working on and it provided a conversation starter that helped connect people who haven’t met before. Saturday was packed with presentations that lasted from morning until 11:00 PM culminating with an amazing talk on the reconstruction work that took place at Notre Dame of Paris. After a few more presentations on Sunday morning, some people attended local tours, some began their journeys home and few were traveling directly to their next project.

It seemed that most people enjoyed the event and found some value in the collaboration. As one of the conference planners, I’m appreciative of both APT-DVC and the Timber Framers Guild’s memberships for being open to the idea and willing to try something different.

Thanks to the Timber Framers Guild staff for coordinating everything to do with the venue and handling all of the last minute logistics.

And finally, the event would not have been possible without our fine sponsors so we’d like to take the opportunity to thank them one last time:

Silver Sponsors: Lancaster County Timber Frames, Preservation Timber Framing

Contributing Sponsors: John Milner Architects, Keast & Hood, Stable Hollow Construction, Heritage Natural Finishes

 Bookstore Sponsors: Rothoblass, Summer Beam Books

Dinner Beverage Sponsor: Premier Building Restoration, Inc.

 Tour Sponsor: O’Donnell & Naccarato